Notion Basics
A free series of introductory videos designed to get new users familiar with the basics of Notion.
Getting started with Notion can feel overwhelming, so we’ve created these introductory videos to help you get oriented and feel more comfortable using the app.
We recommend starting with these videos if you’ve never used Notion before and are going to attend one of our live trainings. You may also want to check these out before you make the commitment to purchase access to the Notion Mastery program.
What You'll Learn
Setting Up an Account
How to set up your Notion account on your own or by invitation to a Workspace.
Notion’s Interface
Get oriented to Notion’s web browser and desktop application, including customizing workplace settings and adjusting notifications and light or dark mode.
The Sidebar
Get to know Notion’s sidebar, including page sections (Private, Shared, Favorites, and Teamspaces for team/enterprise plans) and the search option.
Page Settings
Learn how to customize your page using the page settings menu, access page updates and comments, and share a page.
Learn to get around a Notion workspace using the breadcrumbs menu, sidebar, and linked or mentioned pages.
Get familiar with Notion’s blocks, including moving, changing, formatting, and adding them.
Understand the three types of pages in a Notion workspace.
Adding Pages
Learn how to add top level and sub-pages in Notion.
Get familiar with Notion’s databases, including full page vs inline, database views, and the six layouts available.
Learn about database properties, including the types and how to use them to filter, sort, and group database pages.
Linked Databases
Get familiar with linked database views, including what it is, how it works, and how to tell if it’s a linked database or inline database.
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