Filip Alimpic portrait

Filip Alimpic

About Filip

Filip is an organizational design consultant with a background in environmental science research. His passions include organizational systems, books, and science. Currently, Filip is a solopreneur and an Advisory Board Member for an international Arctic organization.

Why Notion Mastery?

Initially, Filip used Notion to write essays, scientific papers, and articles. As his needs evolved, he began using Notion more for project management and resource storage. Over time, he felt out of sync with the updates and changes in Notion. This prompted him to seek a course that would challenge his knowledge and fill in any gaps.

“I needed a tool that could adapt to my way of thinking and working, not the other way around. I was looking for something that could integrate all aspects of my life and work seamlessly.”

The Best Bits

Filip found several aspects of the Notion Mastery program exceptionally valuable, with live events standing out the most. The live workshops, trainings, office hours, and weekly review sessions provided him with direct interaction with Notion experts, allowing him to solve problems and ask questions in real-time. These sessions felt like a Mastermind group in action, offering hands-on learning and immediate feedback.

Additionally, the online forum was a game-changer, fostering a supportive and collaborative community where members shared knowledge and inspiration. Filip appreciated the detailed, interactive curriculum and the sense of belonging within a community passionate about Notion. These elements combined to significantly enhance his proficiency and confidence in using Notion, impacting both his professional and personal life.

I knew that it would have a lot of resources and that the curriculum would be detailed, but it took me by surprise how meticulous it is. Also, I was so surprised by the level of support and understanding I came across as a member of their forum community. No matter if you are a beginner or an expert, everyone’s so patient and willing to share their experience with both basic and advanced questions. You are not just a “number” on the course, you are an active member of the community.

Since Joining the Program

Since joining Notion Mastery, Filip has experienced a significant improvement in both his personal and professional life.

“The structure of the course was a game-changer for me. It allowed me to build a system that was tailored to my needs, rather than trying to fit into a pre-made template.”

The supportive community and responsive staff were also instrumental in Filip’s journey.

“The community is incredible. Everyone is so helpful, and Marie and Ben are always available to answer questions and provide guidance.”

Filip has managed to streamline his project management process, making it more efficient and less stressful.

“Notion Mastery taught me how to leverage Notion’s capabilities fully. Now, I have a system that keeps me on track and reduces my stress levels significantly.”

The power of weekly reviews

Since joining Notion Mastery, Filip hasn’t missed one Weekly Review session.

“That event alone had a great impact on my productivity. I was able to close so many loops, write a lot of reflections and make financial plans for living abroad. Closing loops saved me at least eight hours per week of chasing tail and working on the same task in different ways.

Writing reflections helped me to make some decisions that saved me $300 last month alone. Making financial plans sets goals for me that will for sure increase my income in the future. So, all in all, the results were there pretty fast.”

Filip’s Advice to Anyone Thinking of Joining Notion Mastery

Filip advises potential students to join Notion Mastery to learn how to use Notion effectively rather than just following a pre-made template.

“If you’re looking for a way to organize your life and work in a way that truly suits you, this course is for you. The project-based learning approach is perfect for hands-on learners, and the community support is unparalleled.

You’ll learn to use Notion in a way that enhances your productivity and creativity. It’s more than just a course; it’s a transformational experience that will change the way you approach organization and project management.

Ready to take your own journey into Notion Mastery?

Go through the core material at your own pace, with the support of live office hours, a helpful community forum, live trainings, and themed workshops.