Ryan Clover-Owens

Meet Ryan

Ryan is a facilitator and web designer who runs a cohort-based program for service providers looking to grow their impact with group programs and digital products. He’s also a dad, musician, and community builder.

For years Ryan struggled with scattered notes and an overall lack of process. He had a difficult time completing projects and it was damaging his confidence. The ‘Getting Things Done’ method turned everything around for Ryan and he started to develop systems where he could tend to his ideas and make achievable progress over time.

Before Notion Ryan was using Evernote but the lack of databases and relationships were holding him back. The first thing he did with Notion was set up some workspaces where he could finally visualize and interact with his projects on a higher level. This sparked some major business growth for Ryan and helped him start a small design agency and eventually hire a team.

At this point Ryan needed to clean up his workspace and make it more workable for a team – which meant clarifying and simplifying across the board. He knew he needed help with this and wanted a program that his team could also join and learn from.

Why Notion Mastery?

Before joining Notion Mastery, Ryan reviewed a few other options, but ultimately chose NM because he appreciated the way Marie was constantly growing, learning, and exploring bigger connections.

“I could tell there was a dedication to understanding knowledge management in nuanced ways beyond the parameters of specific features.”

Ryan also appreciated the way Notion Mastery was using tools of experiential education and creating a high-quality experience.

“I was surprised at the level of thought and detail behind the live sessions. The design, format, facilitation, music, everything really impressed me and I could tell that they were building something long-term that would grow and meet the needs of students. It wasn’t just another product, it was a commitment to the craft. I loved it.”

Since joining the course, Ryan has been most impressed with the live sessions and the input he is able to get when he posts in the community. The long term impact of the course is the security of having a team to help him if he gets stuck with a big problem.

Since joining the course

“Notion Mastery helped me gain a sense of perspective and control in my projects, which helped me build a team and enjoy my work a lot more. Having a clear and always improving process is really at the core of my business and sense of fulfillment in the work I’m doing.“

Ryan’s team uses Notion to onboard, manage, and fulfill retainer projects for clients. They have applied things they learned from Notion Mastery to create this service and it’s doubled their monthly recurring revenue and enabled consistent part time employment for 3 team members.

Before joining NM, Ryan was a power Notion user, but was starting to build something only he would understand. After going through the course he was able to turn his systems into clear conventions that a team could participate in together.

Ryan’s advice to anyone thinking of joining Notion Mastery?

“If you want to use Notion, take a program that inspires you to become fluent. Being able to extend your creativity into a space like Notion is a game changer. Take a live workshop with the NM team to really get a feel for the program.”

Ready to take your own journey into Notion Mastery?

Go through the core material at your own pace, with the support of live office hours, a helpful community forum, live trainings, and themed workshops.